
12 November 2013

My roommates are cooler than yours

Week 35

I started the day frustrated and stressed out because, like every good college student, I waited until the last minute to prepare for a presentation and quiz today.  But apparently it was just the right amount of stress to get me through the day and do well on my assignments.  I was so excited when I got home early today after finishing all of my work that all I wanted to do was train.  My roommates (M & K) and I decided to explore the city a bit and then go to the late class at APK.

After dropping our stuff at the gym, we picked a direction and started jogging.  Reaching the end of a bike rack we had decided to jump on, we found a trail of large blue paw prints going around the building.  Naturally, we got on all fours and began to QM along the paw prints, only allowing ourselves to touch the blue.  Arriving at a set of stairs, we played on the railings a bit (too tempting) then found a new way to challenge ourselves.  I basically ski jumped the rest of the way down the path of paw prints while M and K found different ways to get across using only two feet.

Challenge complete.  Next!

We jogged by an apartment complex and did some climbing work before moving on to new, unexplored areas.  Somehow we wandered into a school with a really nice football field and fun things to play on.  We started tumbling on the field and M suggested doing cartwheels down the entire length of it.  Yeah, right K and I scoffed, already getting ready for the challenge.  No joke, we actually cartwheeled down the entire football field.  I tried to keep count but I got really dizzy.  I think it was about 30 total.  I don't know why we did that, but it was pretty awesome.

A little more exploring (once our heads stopped spinning) and then we started back towards the gym.  On our way, I spotted a bike rack that was made up of small (but large enough to fit through) circles pretty low to the ground.  The challenge was to get through without touching the hoops, and of course no knees or elbows on the ground.  As the three of us were casually squeezing ourselves through these rings on the sidewalk, a couple of older guys walked by and laughed, Don't y'all have anything better to do? No sir, I do not.

Feeling fresh and warmed up from our exploring, we headed back for class.  The first challenge was to walk across a row of kettlebells.  Some were surprisingly wobbly (I've never done this challenge before) and I found myself fighting with them.  I really wanted to do it so when one of them started wobbling underneath me, I started yelling no.. no! NO until the kettlebell won and I fell.  I really thought that would work.  Anyways, I only fell three times on my first try, which I felt pretty good about.  More determined the next time, I focused on my breathing and tuned everything else out.  Step, balance, focus.  Nearing the end, I got nervous that I would psych myself out but I managed to maintain my rhythm and made it all the way through without falling! Woohoo!

But wait.  Just as I was celebrating, P told us we had to carry two 20lb. weights next time through.  Seriously? I was just feeling good about myself.  I didn't make it through again, if you were wondering.  I lost count of how many times I fell while holding the weights.  But I'm holding on to my pride from the weight-less no-falls round.

We spent the rest of class doing various drop/landing challenges.  High enough that it was scary for me, but also achievable.  It was a good mental challenge.  I knew I could do it but I still had to think about it and calm my breathing beforehand.  Especially when P told us we had to land backwards dropping from one box to the next.  Backwards? I laughed nervously.  After several eternal seconds squatting and standing up and squatting again on top of the taller box, I finally jumped, did a 180, and landed backwards on the box, amazed with myself.  Phew.

There were lots of great, and some silly, challenges tonight.  I love starting my week like this.  I love my gym, I love the people I train with who encourage me and challenge me, and I love having two awesome roommates to go out and explore with! Thank you, guys.

09 November 2013

Parkour and Dancercising: A Good Week

Week 33
What a great training week! Women's parkour meetup last Saturday, workout with my best friend on Jump Day, and training at APK on Thursday and Friday.

The meetup was great.  The group changes a little each time with newcomers and regulars getting to know each other and exploring their creative side with movement.  We had a small group last weekend, but the weather was beautiful and the girls were excited and determined so we had a great workout.  I really look forward to these meetups every month.  Just getting together with a group of kick-ass women, jumping around in the park and learning new ways to move.  Hopefully we can keep it up through the cold winter months of hibernation!

After the meetup last weekend, M, K and I went back to the gym to drop off some of the equipment they let us borrow (precision trainers and medicine balls).  There were a few people hanging out, listening to dance music at a normal volume and relaxing in between classes.  Naturally, we turned up the music and initiated a dance party.  Dancercising.  The best kind of exercise.  You simply make a fist with each hand, throw both hands in the air, and run around like a crazy person.  Flailing your arms adds to the experience.  Hip thrusting is encouraged.  Just a normal Saturday.

I was so energized after that, I went for a mini parkour run around the Capitol when I got home.  And the highlight of that run... I was walking across these little poles when a couple walked by and yelled, "hardcore parkour!"

Later in the week, on Jump Day, I went to my university's gym with my best friend, L.  She's trying to get into a regular fitness routine and I was happy to serve as a workout buddy.  Even if it means being in a "normal" gym.  Of course, I avoided normalcy by going into the padded wrestling room where I can get away with more parkour/gymnastics-styled workouts.

Last night, I finished up the week by making a delicious (and healthy!) home-cooked meal with my roommates then heading over to open gym at Primal.  We did some playing, flips and tricks, and a lot of handstands.  I'm still trying to get my one-handed handstand.  So much time upside down.

We also had another dance party.  Obviously.  I'm not energetic enough (thanks, Grad school) to actually go out dancing so spontaneous parkour dance parties and car dancing have been my substitutes... don't judge.  You wish you were that cool.

All in all, a great week.  Fitness-wise, anyways.  I'm currently drowning in schoolwork until Thanksgiving so any time I get at the gym is a relief.  Not just for the physical fitness part of it, but also the social aspect.  I may be biased, but most people I know who train parkour are pretty awesome.